cheryl coles faveourite singer is joe mcelderey
takeaways and sweets cheryl Cole has a sweet tooth :)chinesecheryl coles favorite food is saladCheryl Coles Favourite Food Is A Chinese! Her Favourite Drink Is Flavoured WaterShe Loves Watchen Eastenders And Corrie At Night With A Cup Of Hot ChocolateHope it helps!SMALL SECRET!Cheryl is one of my long-gone friends who i met in Tanzania 2010!
she once said her favourite numbers are 3 and 7
it was called the little red bow its weird name
can someone tell me what cheryl coles favourite drink isflavoured water...x
Cheryl coles email is email her
Cheryl Coles' full name is; Cheryl Maria Cole.
Man united ! ( wow he ex hubby would'nt be HAPPY!!!)
cheryl coles first solo single is fight for this love
Her new name is Cheryl Tweedy