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in Baseball and softball it means theres runners on every base

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Q: What is base load?
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What is DC load line of a transistor?

A: A transistor has voltage gain as base current is allow to flow. If the load is constant then a DC mirror azimuth path can be plotted as a function of base current and collector current and that is the load line

Why dam pillar are wider at the base?

pillars with wider base support more load

What is Base load power?

Base load power in a home is the energy consumed for day-to-day operation of the home, that is not used in response to the outside weather. Base Load is usually thought of Lights, Appliances, and Hot Water, but by extension it is all plug loads, pool pumps, well pumps, computers, etc. Base load is pretty much everything but the energy used for Heating and Cooling.

Where did they load the bomb for enola gay?

Tinian Base.

Does the load capacity on a forklift increase or decrease as the load center moves farther away from the base of the carriage?

The load capacity of a forklift decreases as the load center moves farther away from the base of the carriage. This is because as the load center moves outward, it creates more leverage and increases the force exerted on the forklift, which can exceed its rated capacity.

What is power load?

Base load power in a home is the energy consumed for day-to-day operation of the home, that is not used in response to the outside weather. Base Load is usually thought of Lights, Appliances, and Hot Water, but by extension it is all plug loads, pool pumps, well pumps, computers, etc. Base load is pretty much everything but the energy used for Heating and Cooling.

What is footing?

pad footing is the base of a column that transfers the load to the foundation.

What is the vce in dc load line?

A: Vce is the voltage that will follow a particular load line. It is linear by itself but not related to the base drive.

Base load in power plant?

Base load in a power plant refers to the minimum amount of electricity that needs to be generated to meet the constant, essential power needs of a region. It typically remains steady and is produced by power plants that run continuously at high efficiency, such as nuclear, coal, or hydroelectric plants. Base load power generation provides a stable foundation for the grid, with additional power sources being brought online to meet fluctuating demand above the base load.

Why nuclear power plants are used as base load plants?

Nuclear power plants are capital intensive power plants and hence it is more economic to operate them at high capacity factors (or as base load plants)

What is pad footing?

pad footing is the base of a column that transfers the load to the foundation.

What is the shape of slope used for DC load line of a transistor?

It depends on the total load of the transistor as to what the shape of the slope is for the DC load line. A transistor gains voltage as base current is allowed to flow.