Athletics is already plural in form. Like other plural words from Greek ending in -ics ( e.g. politics, economics, statistics), it may be used as a singular or as a plural.
A person can be athletic.
People can be athletic.
(no real plural)
Athletics is a category of sport.
(no real plural)
It's another name for football, a sport.
An adrenaline sport is another name for an extreme sport - a physical activity involving speed, height, danger or spectacular stunts.
Easy it was footy then rubey.
yes In 1926, it was declared an official Olympic sport. Skeleton is another name for tobogganing.
Soccer is the main sport. another popular sport is skiing
A modified sport is a sport derived from another sport. Eg. rugby and basketball are both sports that were derived from Football.
in no sport. Its a place
a bad man sport
Sport Farters