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Intrinsic feedback in sport would be you personality criticizing your performance giving mental feedback in what you can improve on in situations. this is used by every sports person in every sport because every sports person will need to develop and build there performance personally without the help of a coach!!

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

There are three different types of feedback that can be used in sport.

1. Short response - yes or no, whether they did it right or wrong. Very vague and no advice

2. Positive Feedback - 'Good throw', 'almost got it right, but nice work'. This is giving the performer encouragement but no advice on how to improve.

3. Specific Feedback - This is the stage where maximum feedback is given e.g, that was a great throw, next time extend your arm back about 5cm further and have more follow through.

The feedback known to be most effective is specific feedback because the performer knows exactly where improvements can be made and is being given detailed advice on how to improve their skill and performance.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

feedback that comes from a performer is called internal feedback. This arises from the performer's feel of the movement. This is felt in the musles and conveyed to the brain through the senses. Using this type of feedback, the performer develops a feel for what is correct and incorrect, and is able to differentiate between the two. An example being when a gymnast performs a handstand. They require internal feedback to keep balance.

source: active outcomes 2, PDHPE stage 5

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Skill feedback is the type of feedback used to help improve ones physical skill within a sport. For example when someone performs a specific skill, ie kicking a soccer ball, a coach may watch his set up, approach, contact, and follow through to thus look for areas of error that effect that individuals kick. Thus skill feedback is, information given from someone else, or maybe even yourself after analyzing a particualr skill.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Internal feedback is what you feel after having performed. It is when your feelings have given you information on your performance. How you feel about it.

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