usually the best Starting Pitcher in the Starting rotation, a pitcher most likely to pitch on opening day, unless he's injured
Ace Parker died November 6, 2013, in Portsmouth, VA, USA.
Ace Adams was born March 2, 1910, in Willows, CA, USA.
Ace Stewart died April 17, 1912, in Terre Haute, IN, USA.
Ace Stewart was born February 14, 1869, in Terre Haute, IN, USA.
Ace Williams was born March 18, 1917, in Montclair, NJ, USA.
Ace Adams died February 26, 2006, in Albany, GA, USA.
Ace Parker was born May 17, 1912, in Portsmouth, VA, USA.
Ace Williams died September 16, 1999, in Fort Myers, FL, USA.
There is no such thing as an ace in softball; you might be thinking of volleyball or tennis.