Left Tackle, Left Guard, Center, Right Guard, and Right Tackle.
Offensive line is like this: Takle, Guard, Center, Guard, Tackle ~*D.Hernandez*~ #61 Offensive line is like this: Takle, Guard, Center, Guard, Tackle ~*D.Hernandez*~ #61
Quarterback,Halfback, Fullback,Tightend,center,right guard,left guard,right tackle,left tackle, reciever ( X and Z)
The Right Guard (RG) This is the alignment of the offensive line: Left Tackle Left Guard Center Right Guard Right Tackle The fullback is usually placed in the offensive line, and the tight end most of the time. Occasionally the Wide Reciever or the Running Back will be placed in the offensive line.
The first game between Tim Mara's new NFL franchise New York Giants (legally known as New York Football Giants to distinguish them from the baseball team) and Frankford Yellow Jackets took place on October 17, 1925, at Philadelphia. The Yellow Jackets beat the Giants 5-3.The second game took place the following day, October 18, 1925, at the Polo Grounds in New York, then shared with the Giants baseball team. The Yellow Jackets again beat the Giants, this time 14-0.TEAM ROSTERS*New York GiantsDoc Alexander (Guard, Tackle, Center, End) Al Bedner (Guard, Tackle)Heinie Benkert (Back)Lynn Bomar (End)Matt Brennan (Back)Arthur Carney (Guard, End)Jim Frugone (Tailback)Hinkey Haines (Back)Dutch Hendrian (Back)Cowboy Hill (Tailback, Blocking Back, Wingback)Paul Jappe (Guard, Tackle, End)Bill Kenyon (Tailback)Jack McBride (Fullback, Halfback, Tailback)Edward McGinley (Tackle)Century Milstead (Tackle)Tom Moran (Blocking Back)Tommy Myers (Back)Bob Nash (Tackle, End)Swede Nordstrom (Guard, Tackle)Mike Palm (Blocking Back, Wingback)Babe Parnell (Guard, Tackle)Earl Potteiger (Back)Owen Reynolds (Fullback, End)Bill Rooney (Center, Back)Jim Thorpe (Fullback, End, Tailback)Tommy Tomlin (Guard, Tackle)Larry Walbridge (Center)Phil White (Back)Joe Williams (Guard, Fullback, End)Frankford Yellow JacketsBull Behman (Guard, Tackle)Doc Bruder (Back)Stanley Burnham (Tailback, Blocking Back)Charlie Carton (Guard, Tackle, Center, End)Alex Clement (Wingback)Clark Craig (End)Rae Crowther (End)Saville Crowther (Guard, Tackle)Jug Earp (Guard, Tackle, Center)Bob Fitzke (Wingback)Tex Hamer (Back)Art Harms (Tackle)Les Haws (Back)Bill Hoffman (Guard)Two-Bits HomanBen Jones (Fullback, Tailback, Blocking Back, Wingback)Jake Kaufman (Tackle)Walt LeJeune (Guard, Tackle, Center, Back)Bull Lowe (Tackle, End)Link Lyman (Tackle)Elmer McCormick (Tackle, Center, Back)Milt O'Connell (End)Walt Sechrist (Guard, Tackle)Red Seidelson (Guard, Tackle)Lou Smyth (Back)Butch Spagna (Guard, Tackle)Bill Springsteen (Center, End)Hust Stockton (Fullback, Halfback, Tailback)George Sullivan (Back)Jim Welsh (Guard, Tackle)Frank Wilsbach (Guard)Guy Chamberlin (Head Coach, End, Wingback)* Team Rosters courtesy of Fan Base/NFL (see Related Links, below)
Depending on the setup its either 3-4= Defensive End/Nose Guard/Defensive End 4-3= Defensive End/Defensive Tackle/Defensive Tackle/Defensive End 5-2=Defensive End/Defensive Tackle/Nose Guard/Defensive Tackle/Defensive End
Defensive Tackle, Noseguard and Offensive Guard are great positions for your build.
The offensive tackle is one of the five positions on the offensive line in American Football. The tackle position (left and right) is located on the outside of the offensive line, next to the guards.Tackle Guard Center Guard TackleThe Tackles role is to protect the quarterback and/or ball carrier by blocking the rushing defensive linemen, linebackers and/or blitzing defensive players.
The 3 technique is the D-Tackle that is lined up on the Outside Shoulder of the Right Guard. The 1 technique is the D-Tackle that is lined up on the Outside Shoulder of the Center.
In offense there's the quarterback,tailback(halfback or runningback),fullback,wide reciever,tight end,left guard,left tackle,center,right tackle,right guard and right tackle. In defense there's the right end,defensive tackle,left end,cornerback,free safety and strong safety. In special teams,there's the kicker and punter.