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Bike riding, horse riding, car racing, motor racing, bull riding and more :D~

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Car racing (nascar) and horse racing.
Chees... Poker... Polo... Car Racing... Boat Racing ... any type of jocked Racing...

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Shuffle board

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Q: What is a sport where you might sit down a lot?
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How do you get a girl to sit down?

Girls know if they want to sit down. You might ask if she'd like to sit in a comfortable chair.

What is the complete subject in Sit down?

The complete subject in "Sit down" is "You."

What are the lyrics for oh won't you sit down?

oh won't you sit down? Lord I can't sit down. Oh won't you sit Down? Lord I can't sit down. oh won't you sit down? Lord I can't sit down. cause I just got to heaven going to look around.

Maori word for be sit down?

The Maori word for "sit down" is "tΕ«ranga".

How do you write a sentence with sit?

i am going to SIT down and answer your question

What might a dog owner say?

Not in the house! Sit. Fetch. Give us a paw. Down boy. Walkies!

What is the passive form of sit down?

The passive form of "sit down" is "be sat down."

Why was the buffalo called a traveling department store?

Many white men began to shoot buffalos as a sport. They would even sit in chairs on a train and shoot the buffalo down one by one.Also, the buffalos were food and they moved a lot, so they could be called a "traveling department store."

When was Sit Down created?

Sit Down was created in 1919-06.

What disappears when you sit down?

Your legs disappear from view when you sit down.

How many times does kagome say sit boy?

A lot. There is no way of knowing unless you count them yourself and that might take awhile.

Your boyfriend is mean to you and you dont think he likes you anymore it is kind of an abussive relationship but you like him a lot what should you do?

I would sit down and have a serious talk with him. You will have to accept that if it continues than he is not the one for you and also maybe ingnore him and then have a joke might work