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It really depends on your own physique. For example, if you are comparitively short, Basketball, net ball, swimming and even soccer can be demanding for you. Therefore, it really depends on the individual.

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βˆ™ 17y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Short Answer: Professional Cycling.

Long Answer: In order to properly answer this question, we first have to determine our definition of 'most difficult'. Difficulty can be measured in various ways, including strength and endurance requirements. In my opinion, the best and most logical assessment is wattage. Human energy, as most of us know, is usually measured in Calories. Calories can be converted into Joules, another measurement of energy. A Watt is one joule per second. If we look at total energy expenditure over time, I believe Pro Cycling comes out on top. A pro cyclist averages between 260 and 450 watts. During a three week stage race like the Tour de France, this means that a cyclist might produce between 85 and 142 million joules. As far as I know, no other sport on the planet demands this kind of expenditure from competitors. Therefore it is my hypothesis that Pro Cycling is the most difficult sport in the world.

Some other difficult sports include Soccer, Rowing, Marathon Running and Speed Skating. The problem with making any sort of determination concerning the difficulty of a given sport is that its participants are inherently biased, and take unwarranted offense at the notion that their sport is less difficult than another sport. This is because they feel, for them, what they do is very difficult. By that criteria the most difficult sport for you the reader is different than the most difficult sport for all humanity.

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βˆ™ 15y ago


ANSWER: According to ESPN the most difficult sports are: 1. Boxing 2. Ice Hockey 3. Football 4. Basketball 5. Wrestling 6. Martial Arts 7. Tennis 8. Gymnastics 9. Baseball 10. Soccer

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βˆ™ 12y ago

This is a very hard question to answer.

The reason this is so is because virtually any skill level in a sport depends upon the brilliance of the current leaders in it AND it depends upon the overall number of partidipants in that sport from which to consider the 'brilliance' levels: for instance, if there were only 10 participants in a sport, then no matter how much better the very best in that activity was compared with the others, you would have to question whether his skill level, and therefore, by inference, what the 'benchmark' requirements in skill were for that sport compared with [say] another sport where there were 3 million participants in it from which to choose the benchmark skill level or top performance would be a fair comparison.

Usually, the accepted leader in any field tends to set the skill level benchmark for that sport at that point in time and often for comparing future skill levels.

So from that aspect, one might say that when Michael Jordan was playing basketball, the most skilful sport in the world was probably basketball because of his absolute genius and dominance in it and the sport had a very high level of participation from which to measure and draw a top skilled performance.

From another viewpoint, one might suggest that the most skilful sport might be that which requires the greatest range of body parts in use directly related to meaningful outcomes or which can be used to directly affect 'the score' and the complexity of the requirements in control and perhaps the greatest variety of manouvres available for execution.

So, if someone had invented a single sport that required a combination of [say] horse-riding skills, hitting-batting skills using an impliment, kicking skills (especially of an oval ball, for instance), catching skills, group skills and individual play, as well as [say] some incorporation of motorbike/cycling aspects, any person capable of mastering all of that armoury under competitive-sports 'pressure' conditions would be a very skilled person indeed. [All we need to do now is introduce a helicopter!]

Now, for my mind, although no such sport exists, sports such as Australian football require a great similar armoury of skills: eg. play is with an oval ball; kicking and catching skills are high profile in this game and must be executed under considerably competitive-pressure conditions. Tackling and therefore, counter-tackling skills are required. Besides kick-passing of the oval ball, the ball is also be passed by hand to other players, but only if held in one hand and punched from it by the other - usually under 'pressure' conditions. Another skill is running with the ball: it must be bounced every 15 metres (used to be every 10 yards)

I can only think that compared with our model game [above], it is missing the requirement of batting with an impliment!

One also needs to be extremely fit to play this game well - it is played on a cricket field.

Having said all this, I have seen some extremely skilful hurling games!

Other than an actual game, the only other "sport" I can think of whcih requires a very wide range of skills and executions is "the decathlon", which is really a series of 10 varying athletic events. Athletes who can perform in this event are highly skilled indeed!!

Another might be Olympic gymnastics, which requires ability and execution in a wide ranging arsenal of full body movement and potentially dangerous skills.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Tennis for sure...think about it.

Sure its not gymnastics?

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Probably striker or goal shooter or wat ever u call it because u have to have a good aim. aso u have the ig tough defenders on u and that makes it hareder.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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