It depends on what you are soldering. In general, eutectic alloys -- those that have a single well-defined melting point, are better for electronics. Non-eutectic alloys, where one of the metals starts to crystalize out of solution first before the others have the benefit gradual hardening. While hot, they are a runny liquid, and then they thicken and become clay-like before finally hardening. That means that they provide some physical support while the pieces being soldered can still be adjusted. This is useful in sculpture, sheet metal work and similar contexts. Lead-tin solder is the old reliable standby for electrical work but potentially toxic and illegal in some countries. Tin-copper-silver alloys are less toxic but have somewhat higher (but still reasonable) melting points. Model builders and jewelers like having a range of solders with different melting points so that subassemblies may be built with the highest melting-point solder and then combined using lower melting point solders with the final parts added with the lowest melting point solders. Jewelers like solders containing precious metals, so that, for example, the solder used to join two pieces of sterling silver is also legally the same silver percentage. Jewelers also care very much about the color of the solder they use.
use the smallest amount of solder necessary to make a good joint.
A good solder connection is shiny, smooth, and free from any pits, cracks, or irregularities. It should also have good adhesion to the components being joined and be strong and reliable. Additionally, the solder should have flowed evenly and completely join the parts without any excess solder.
Soft solder is not as good a conductor of electricity as other metals like copper or silver. It has higher resistance, which means it will generate more heat and produce more energy loss when carrying an electric current. Soft solder is mainly used for joining metal parts together, not for conducting electricity.
Because he is a good solder
must be shiny and volcano shape
SN63BS solder is a type of leaded solder that consists of 63% tin and 37% lead, which makes it eutectic. It has a low melting point, good flow characteristics, and is commonly used in electronic and electrical applications.
A Conductor, SOLDER IS NOT AN INSULATOR. The most common types of solder are made of tin and lead. Another type is silver solder. All of the materials used are metals and are good conductors of both heat and electricity. If you solder something you would notice if you ever held a wire (without protection) while applying solder to it your finger would probably receive a burn (speaking from experience).
A good amount of solder is less than one drop, and should be applied through a very hot and clean gun, also making sure that you are using a new solder wire, avoid using solder from already soldered components because it will be having no zinc chloride.
with solder
Cold solder joint: occurs when the joint doesn't fully melt, leading to poor electrical conductivity. Insufficient solder: not enough solder used, resulting in weak or incomplete bonds. Excessive solder: too much solder applied, causing bridging or short circuits. Solder balling: result of excess solder that forms into small balls. Solder splashes: occurs when excess solder splashes onto nearby components. Solder flux residue: leftover residue from flux can lead to corrosion or poor connections over time.
955 solder is typically made from a mixture of tin (95%) and antimony (5%). This combination creates a solder with good strength and durability for various applications such as electronics and plumbing.