A baseball traveling at 85 mph is moving at 124.67 feet per second.
90-93 mph 4 Seam Fastball 88-91 mph Cut Fastball 78-81 mph Curveball 76-79 mph Circle Change
93 MPH
Not consistently.
Iorn Mike at 122 mph
He throws these types of pitches: -Four Seam Fastball, up to 97 MPH. -Two Seam Fastball, up to 94 MPH -Change up -Slider, which he throws with a more horizontal break to lefties, and a more downward break for righties.
0.21 to 0.25 of a second
75-80 mph
To convert mph to feet per second, you can use the conversion factor of 1 mph = 1.46667 feet per second. Therefore, 74.0625 mph is equivalent to about 108.67917 feet per second.
4 seam fastball, 2 seam fastball, split, 12-6 curve-ball and slider
2010 Chapman 105 mph fastball
The velocity on Josh Beckett's fastball was 96 MPH.