Phil Taylor's current ranking according to wikipedia is world number 1
The power
It's called The Power, by Snap!
The address of the Taylors Branch is: 316 West Main Street, Taylors, 29687 2210
The phone number of the Taylors Branch is: 864-268-5955.
The address of the Taylors Falls Public Library is: 473 Bench Street, Taylors Falls, 55084 0195
Taylors College was created in 1920.
The address of the Taylors Falls Historical Society is: Po Box 333, Taylors Falls, MN 55084-0333
If a couple's name is Taylor, and you want to write it as a plural, it would be "The Taylors". If you are referring to a possession belonging to them, it would be: -The Taylors' mail. -The Taylors' dog. - The Taylors' house.
The phone number of the Taylors Falls Public Library is: 651-465-6905.
well if yopu would like the union jack ones they are 1 pound from : whsmiths, woolworths and pounstreather, if you want the secy lady ones they are 100000000000000000 from jjb
sausages stall taylors for a packet of smokes, stall taylors
well, on 2005 the Philippines ranked 154 but now, 2009..Phil. ranked i think 33-36, i guess