It all depends on what college you go too. It varies from place to place; some programs will be harder, some places will be easier. Look into different programs. If you're already in a program though, you'd have to talk to your academic adviser and figure it out with him/her. If they are your adviser, they would know the program inside and out.
Biology or Applied Science
Anything that would relate to the human body would help vastly to this particular career path. It would be advisable to study some Human Anatomy on your free time, i.e. The muscle,- its function in everyday life and the latin name of it.
what school subject do I need for forensic expert
Physical education and biology
Danish, english, german, maths, science, history, biology, sports, arts, craftsmanship, cooking, music, religion, social science. Those are mandatory subjects in primary school (0th to 9th grade) Some school also offer e.g. french, theather, outdoor, choir.
Some of the nice features for kids you can find on Yahoo's website include games, movies, music, science & nature, sports & recreation and school subjects.
LSU, good school
it has to be at least a 2.5 or 3.0
It's important to provide enough money to support athletics in High School, but it should not hurt academics subjects and art program.
The grade point average needed to play high school sports is 3.2.
science makes sports boring.
Yes, players need strength and stamina from PE by running, playing sports and getting great grades in other subjects in school.
In Egypt, children in school learn a variety of subjects such as language, math, science, and social studies. They also participate in activities such as sports, art, and music. Schools in Egypt follow a structured curriculum set by the Ministry of Education.