When you get a red card in soccer, you have to leave the field and you are ejected for the rest of the game. Often, depending on the league, you will be suspended for the next game (or a few games) also.
A red card means a dismissial from the current game - and your position cannot be substituted for - your team must play short handed and you MUST leave the field.
MOST leagues also apply "next game out" rule - which means that a red card means that you are ejected from the current game and cannot play in the next game also. And this is worldwide - and unbreakable. (A red card, say, in your last game for you team in Spain, means that if you transfer to another team in Brazil for the next season - you must still sit out the first game!!)
Also 2 yellow cards in a single game - is equal to a red card.
The first use for the red and yellow cards was in the 1970 FIFA World Cup. British referee Ken Aston came up with the language-neutral cards for cautions and dismissals to alert the crowds as to what was going on - on the pitch.
If a football;/soccer player is given the red card he is sent off and is not allowed to play in the rest of the game. This usually happens when he has fouled - I'm not sure if fouled is a word- sorry. for instance if he trips a player up. the referee will show a yellow/ red card- yellow is just a warning. hope this helps
The team doesn't get a yellow card, a player does.
After being given a yellow card, the player has been warned. If he gets a second yellow card, he gets an automatic red card and must leave the playing ground (cannot sit in the substitute bench). He may also receive a red card if the offense is severe enough.
A lot of leagues have limits on how many yellows a player can receive, after which the player is banned for one match.
The goalkeeper has to leave and the team is reduced by one player. The team needs to have a goalkeeper, so then what happens is that another player goes into goal to be the goalkeeper. It could be an outfield player, but the normal thing is to substitute an outfield player with the substitute goalkeeper.
yes under 10s players can get a red card in a football match
get some red card yellow card and your done
If a club believes their player was incorrectly shown a straight red card, they can appeal the decision.
red card
It was Gary Lineker.
A yellow card is shown for a booking and a red for a sending off.
In football(British word for soccer) a red card means you get sent off for the rest of the game! So if you get a red card at minute 2 then you cant come on for the rest of the game. The same happens if you get 2 yellow cards.
A red card is shown to a player to indicate they are being sent-off. A sent-off player may not be substituted for.
it's not
he or she mises three matches