In the Tudor times they had lots of different food...depending on how rich you were meant what type/how much food you had/ate.
Henry V111 is often depicted with food in his hands and he had lots of banquets and posh food...he even ate doormouse! - hope this helps
£1 and 1 shilling
scurvy, black death or food poisoning
the spit is something that the tudors used to cook there food the spit was usually given to a tudor child you really wouldn't want to be a child in tudor times
the spit is something that the tudors used to cook there food the spit was usually given to a tudor child you really wouldn't want to be a child in tudor times
The "Abraham man" was a tudor beggar,back in the tudor times.
Letters at Tudor times were sealed with wax
There were no trains in the Tudor times. They had only first come out in 1872
It's a Fishmonger who was alive in Tudor times
Explorers like Rayleigh found spices in Tudor times.
I only know that tudors ate their food dried smoked pickled and salted