With respects to the sport of Baseball (which I believe is the root of your question), the term "top of the fifth" simply refers to the first half of the fifth inning during which the visiting team has the opportunity to bat. After the visiting team cycles through their allotted three outs, the inning enters the bottom of the inning. Each inning has both a "top" and "bottom" half. The actual term "top" or "bottom" of an inning stems from the placement of the score on either the top or bottom section of a scoreboard or scorecard.
Do you mean what does it mean to plead the fifth? This would refer to your fifth amendment right not to say anything that would be self-incrementing.
Top Gear of course
I'm assuming you mean "how many points does a pyramid have". If so, the answer would be five. (four on the bottom and the fifth one on top)
You mean when was- it was the 5th of this month.
Top Gear is Much funnier.
In a sequence, the one after the fourth.Fifth is an ordinal number. It means the number five item in a series."A fifth" can mean one of five equal parts of the whole. It can also mean a fifth of a gallon of whiskey.
It is on top of the pet shop
In traditional Western music notation, the fifth line is at the top of the staff. The staff consists of five lines and four spaces, with the lines representing pitches. The bottom line is typically the first line from the bottom, and the top line is the fifth line from the bottom.
The wilderbeast is the worlds fifth fastest mammal.the wilderbeasts top spead is 50 miles per hour.
Assuming you mean her fifth single, that would be Bad Romance.
Fifth season? I've never heard of a fifth season. There are only four seasons. Could you mean month?