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It's a woman holding the skin from her vagina in her mouth.

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Q: What does the tattoo on Dennis rodman's back look like?
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What does nick cannon tattoo say on his back?

His tattoo on his back says Mariah like as in Mariah Carey as in his wife so yes his back tattoo says Mariah.

You have had a tattoo on your lower back and now have numbness in your leg?

go to a doctor. this doesn't sound like something associated with a tattoo.

Does pink have a tattoo of an eagle?

i think on her back it looks like one

Does imran Khan have a tattoo?

YEs he does it is kind of like a sun on the back of his neck

What is the name of Pauly d's tribal back tattoo?

its the crest of his family back in Italy kinda like in twilight

What is the environment around a tattoo artist like?

alomst all tattoo shops are pretty laid back places with a variety of people in them. whats around the artist is what he allows.

What does it mean to have your tattoo on your back?

It means you can't see it unless you stand in front of a mirror with your back to the mirror and twist your head round to see the reflection in the mirror of your tattoo.Having a tattoo on your back doesn't mean anything in particular. The back is a large area of skin, and many people like to have large tattoos put there to show off a particular artist, or a particular painting that they like.

How does Stan Lee look?

Lee has slicked back hair and a moustache. He sort of looks like Dennis Hopper.

Can you tattoo a pregnant person?

hell nooo you cant tattoo a pregnant person. youll mess up the baby and depending were the tattoo is like on your back you wont be able to get a epidural and trust me you need it! im 17 and just had a baby 4 weeks ago!

What does a collar bone area tattoo feel like?

A collar bone area tattoo will feel like any other tattoo; it will hurt.

What is Gary Allan's tattoo on his back?

It's a very large version of his bronco logo...Very cool & takes up like 3/4ths of his back.

What tribal tattoo smybolizes power?

tribal tattoos symbolize that you're extreme and probably like to chill back with your bro's.