it means like that you always show up to training and games and that you are always there to support your team.
In sport, suitability is how relevant something is to the chosen sport; reliability refers to how consistent results would be if the test was to be repeatedly taken and validity refers to whether or not the test measures what it claims to. Finally, practicality refers to how appropriate the current environment is for carrying out the test.
sport funded mean that you are funded for a sport
reliability, trustworthiness
basically imagen the congonbilaty
'mon sport' means 'my sport' in English.
elegant sport
S mean Sport , SL mean Sport Luxury , SE mean Sport Elegance and Special Edition . It also means straight edge. (for life)special edition
Mean Time to Repair and Mean Time Between Failure:They are Maintenance and Reliability predictors.
LoveAnswer:The essential idea of truth in the Bible is faithfulness or reliability. God's truth (faithfulness or reliability) is basic for all other truth.
its like to show it off like if someone says that your a good sport the mean a good show off:) like to sport is to have it visible or to show it off!!
it meens you have to be accurateit meens you have to be accurate