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Q: What does eod stand for on a prescription?
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What does EOD stand for in halo reach?

Explosive Ordinance Disposal, I think, i hope that answers your question >.<

In the halo games what does the EOB in EOB armor stand for?

It's EOD, and it stands for eplosive ordnance disposal.

What does eod stand for in french?

In French, "EOD" stands for "Γ‰cole des officiers de la gendarmerie nationale," which translates to "School of Officers of the National Gendarmerie" in English. The EOD is a training institution for officers in the French Gendarmerie.

In psych terms what does EOD mean?

EOD stands for End of Day, typically used to refer to the end of a workday or business day. In psychology, EOD can also stand for Emotional Orienting Dysfunction, which is a concept related to emotional processing difficulties in individuals.

In halo3 what does the EOD armor do?

The EOD armour doesn't do anything that I know of.

What does the abbreviation 'EOD' mean?

EOD stands for "End Of Day" most of the time.

How do you get eod armor in Halo 3?

EOD Head - You must complete the campaign mode on Legendary. EOD Shoulders - You must complete the 'The Ark' level on Legendary. EOD Body - You must complete the 'Tsavo Highway' level on Legendary.

What education do you have to have to be an army ranger EOD specilist?

Rangers and EOD are two separate things.

What does an rx form stand for?

Prescription Radix.

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What does oid stand for on a prescription?

Once a day

In medicine what does Rx stand for?

Prescription (medicine)