Its a warning before you get expelled. Fighter bashing, posting nudity, etc can get you a yellow card & if continued...expelled.
bahotae is a yellow belt in the sherdog mixed martial arts forums
Sherdog was created in 1997.
A sherdog is considered a young professional fighter in the ultimate fighting competition series. A sherdog is usually naive and reckless, not knowing what to expect from an opponent.
try sherdog
Double yellow lines.
You're not allowed to pass the car in front of you while theres double yellow centerlines. You can only pass a car if theres a single yellow centerline and strips of a yellow centerline on your side of the road or just a yellow strips centerline.
The Double Yellow was created in 2006.
two different lanes
no they mean that there is no parking
It seperarates the direction of traffic flow
A double solid yellow line in the center of the highway is there to separate the two directions of traffic. In most cases, you should not cross that line. On a two-lane road where passing is allowed, one line (or both) will usually become a dashed yellow line. Some locales do not allow turns off the highway across a double yellow line.
A double yellow line means it is hazardous to pass. If you pass someone on a double yellow line you are driving recklessly.