The website Goat List appears to be a pornographic site. Therefore, it is not appropriate for all ages and should not be included on this site. However, there are some references to GOAT lists on other sites. The acronym GOAT stands for Greatest of All Time.
The acronym "GOAT" stands for "Greatest of All Time." When a guy texts GOAT to a girl, he is likely complimenting her and expressing that he sees her as exceptional or the best in some aspect.
ANSWER: It stands for Greatest Of All Time.because of his goatee
The opposite of a she-goat (nanny goat, doe) would be a he-goat (billy goat).
A billy goat (also known as a buck) is a male goat so the opposite would be a nanny goat (also known as a doe) which is a female goat.
The capital one goat is an Alpine goat and the Aflac goat is a Nubian.
"Goat" is a generic term for the animal and refers to both genders. A male goat is called a "Billy Goat" and a female goat is called a "Nanny Goat". A young goat is called a "Kid".
selling goat milk, selling goat cheese, selling goat meat, and finally selling the goat
A ram is called a ram in English, if you mean a male sheep or goat.
nanny goat
goat goat goat