An egg can be fertilized for up to 24 hours before it becomes unviable.
if you dont know what your doing it can temporarly
Trankulizer is a drug used for temporarly "knocking out" the animal and sometimes humans.
Extinct is the term for when an animal group diminishes to an unviable number
pinch the radial nerve causing a temporarly paralyzed arm.
temporary settlements are where people move their settled places very temporarly
Various countries passed laws prohibiting it and it became economically unviable.
Well, it's the stomach because the food we eat is temporarly stored. And that's what happens when an earthworm eats food, it's temporarly stored in the crop. So in other words the "stomach" is similair to the crop.
A hiatus is a lack in continuity. It means that the band is temporarly or even permanently on a break.
Volatime means whatever you saved in your computer it saves your file, data as temporarly not as a permenantly.