yes..he has his own charity at i think it is called....u could Google albert pujols charitys and get it to..., benefiting people with (a) Down syndrome (b) disabilities and/or life threatening illnesses as well as (c) children and families living in impoverished conditions in the Dominican Republic.
Albert Pujols was born on January 16, 1980
what is albert pujols middle name
what is albert pujols middle name
Albert Pujols was born on January 16, 1980.
Albert doubt
Albert Pujols was born on January 16, 1980.
Albert Pujols was born on January 16, 1980
Yes, Former MLB player Luis Pujols and current MLB player Albert Pujols are Cousins.
Albert Pujols' birthday is on January 16, 1980.
Deidre Corona is Albert Pujols's wife's name.
MLB player Albert Pujols bats right.