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Use of steroids.

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Q: What can disqualify someone from the Olympics?
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Related questions

How can you put the word disqualify in a sentence?

someone will disqualify you if you don't follow the rules.

Does ColorBlindness disqualify you from the military?

No it just disqualify's you from certain career fields.

Have any people died in the mongoilans Olympics?

I dont know about the mongolians Olympics, but someone died in the Vancouver Olympics.

Can a person with asthma join the us armed forces?

No. That's a condition which would disqualify someone from being able to enlist.

Can someone convicted of a misdemeanor buy a gun?

For the most part, yes, although anything related to domestic violence will disqualify them.

Who won the second Olympics?


How do you use the word disqualify in a sentence?

According to the rules, if you use steroids, that will disqualify you for competition.

What happened in the Olympics of Hitler?

Someone died

What is disqualify part of speech?

A verb, as in "Copying answers blindly off the Internet may disqualify you."

Will an ulcer disqualify you from joining the Army?

If it is active, in treatment, or untreatable, then yes; it will disqualify you from service.

What rhymes with qualify?


Can I get my cdl in Texas if I can't in Michigan?

No. CDLs are federally regulated. The same standards which disqualify you in Michigan will disqualify you in Texas.