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Q: What came first baseball or bowling?
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What was one of the first racially integrated sports?


What country stared bowling?

Bowling came from Germany by monks.

What was made first baseball or bowling?

Bowling. obviously you could knock down frozen ferrets with walrus heads, and it isn't very complex.

What sport has strikes?

Baseball & Bowling

What does baseball and bowling have in common?


Did softball form from baseball?

no, softball came first

Did egyptians invent baseball and bowling?

No Baseball orginated from Britain and was changed to baseball in America

When is bowling first known to exit?

The early Egyptians invented bowling

How old is the first bowling game?

The first bowling game is believed to be played around 300 AD.

What sports use the bicep muscle?

All of them. Bowling, volleyball, and Baseball seem particularly pertinent.

Where did the name baker come from for bowling?

I tried to research the answer, but based on my knowledge of bowling, it was probably named after the person who came up with the format.

What was one of the first sports to be racially integrated?
