billy Wagner
Billy Wagner was born July 25, 1971, in Marion, VA, USA.
No. He is retired.
Billy Wagner is 5 feet 10 inches tall. He weighs 180 pounds. He bats left and throws left.
Billy Wagner was born on July 25, 1971.
Billy Wagner was born on July 25, 1971.
Billy Wagner is 40 years old (birthdate: July 25, 1971).
Billy Wagner debuted on September 13, 1995, playing for the Houston Astros at Astrodome; he played his final game on October 3, 2010, playing for the Atlanta Braves at Turner Field.
Pittsburgh Pirates.
Not Done YetIn order to be selected for Hall of Fame induction a player must be retired for at least 5 years. Billy Wagner pitched in 2009. I'm pretty sure when he is eligible he will get inducted.
Billy Beane