The Olympic Peninsula is surrounded by the Pacific Ocean, Straight of Juan de Fuca, and the Puget Sound.
The three bodies of water that surround the Indian peninsula are the Arabian Sea to the west, the Bay of Bengal to the east, and the Indian Ocean to the south.
Sea of Japan, Yellow Sea, and Korea Bay
Yellow Sea, East China Sea, and the Sea of Japan
The Balkin Peninsula is surrounded by : The Adriatic Sea, The Aegean Sea, and the Black Sea.
The Mediterranean Sea is to the north, the Red Sea is to the east, and the Gulf of Suez is to the west of the Sinai Peninsula.
three three
The Indian Ocean, The Bay of Bengal, and The Arabian Sea
The Yellow Sea lies to the west of the Korean Peninsula, the Sea of Japan (East Sea) to the east, and the Korea Strait to the south, connecting to the East China Sea.
The three bodies of water that surround the Mayans are, the Paciffic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, and The Gulf Of Mexico.
The Sea of Japan. (At least on three sides)
As we know peninsula is a dry land covered by water on three sides. Pakistan is not at all a peninsula because water doesn't surround it on three sides. Arabian sea touches Pakistan on its southern side only. So, Pakistan is not a peninsula.