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Bad or wrong calls.

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Q: What are the effects of poor positioning of the umpire or official?
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What are the effects of poor recruitment and selection?

The effects of poor recruitment and selection process is that it leads to poor service delivery. It also leads to disgruntlement from a section of the population.

What are the effects of poor recruitment and selection process?

The effects of poor recruitment and selection process is that it leads to poor service delivery. It also leads to disgruntlement from a section of the population.

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the effects of a poor cash flow is that you could go overdrawn, this could lead to being bankrupt.

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Poor education can have mortifying effects on the economy such as fewer job opportunities and an develop in the number of people living in poverty.

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u get fat

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refence from books of impact of poor records keeping

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poor hair and skin conditions

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never lift weigh over 40 kg on your own

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refence from books of impact of poor records keeping