It is good to have a high lung capacity because you can hold your breath for longer if you are in water of out plus it is alot easier to breath.
very high
You will need a lot of lung capacity. Those with a high lung capacity can hold their breaths longer than others. People can get a higher lung capacity by staying in shape and or practicing holding their breath.
Higher. This means your lungs can hold more air.
a good lung capacity has to have room and a large chest cavity
Lung capacity can not be increased by a disorder.
My tidal lung capacity was lower. I know the difference because in the tidal lung capacity you are taking in less breath. When you are doing the vital lung capacity, you take in more breath.
it has lung cancer
Exercising increases the lung capacity.
Your total lung capacity is the total volume of the lung after maximum inspiration. (average 6 litres).
The lungs and heart, when diseased or injured could decrease lung capacity. Obesity would also reduce lung capacity
vital lung capacity is how much air remains in your lungs after you exhale
The lungs are the organs used in breathing. It is not known what the lung capacity of a pig is.