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Skydiving, parasailing, car racing, egg drop competitions.

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11y ago

Parachuting aka skyjumping, paragliding, drag racing.

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Q: What are some sports that use parachutes?
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What are some uses of parachutes?

some uses of parachutes are:safety recration and military uses

Do the armies use parachutes today?


Apollo 13 Deployed 2 or 3 parachutes on landing?

Al the Apollo spacecrafts use three parachutes.

Do bombs use fins or parachutes for stabilization in flight?


Why use silk for parachutes?

because i said so 8-)

What are some sports that use steam?

there is none

How do you say parachutes in french?

Its still parachutes.

What are some sports that use the anterior deltoid muscle?

Table tennis Croquet Squah Minly sports that use feet.

What statement is true about bombs?

bombs use fins or parachutes for stabilization in flight

Do parachutes save lives?

Yes if the airplane is going to crash, use one.

What material are used to make military parachutes?

I think that they currently use nylon, but they used to use silk

How big are parachutes?

Parachutes come in varying sizes.