way better than the rest,
trying hard to win, win
everyone is in, in
gold goes down, down,
followed by the greeny meanies
then goes red, red, ooopes i think they're dead.
Gooooo! BLUE! x4
2. Sliding Down a waterfall,
Landing on a cactus,
we think the other teams need more practice,
we're rough, we're tough,
we're hard to beat,
come on _________,
move those feet!
3. ________'s dinamite,
don't mess with dinamite (repeat as many times as you want)
hey what
Hey ________
hey what hey what
how do you spell your victory
I split my V I dot my I i curl my CTORY
he/she/they split their V they dot their I they curl their CTORY
hey all you _____ fans stand up and clap your hands
now that you got the beat stand up and stomp your feet
now that youve got that groove stand up and really move
(repeat each line)
oh, alay,alay
alaya ticky tonga
'owas owas owasa
oooohhh alayo alayo lay
________ is hot to go H O T T O G O
aroo hot to go
arooo hot to go
we are ____ couldnt be prouder if you cat hear us we'll shout a louder
(repeat and build in volume)
Chat with our AI personalities
jump jive stay alive Herbert river has just arrived.!!!!!
we don't drink no lemonade we drink up ALL our powerade !!!!!
so beware we might take u out!!!!!!
so come on down and show us what u got cause your never gonna be as good as us !!!!!!!
so come on Herbert river show em what we got!!!!
So don't be sad if we take u out that's what Herbert rivers all about !!!!
GO RIVERwe are ?????? soccer club we came to play the game now that you've played us you will never be the same
we beat you in the tackles we beat you to the ball and we beat you as a team that's the best of all
we are ??????soccer club and we showed you how to play we are ???????soccer club there just one more thing to say
go ?????? clap clap clap clap clap 3 times cheers
2, 4, 6, 8, who do we appreciate? Not the kings, not the queens, (team name eg; the wombats) (your sport eg; cricket team)
S, U-P-E-R, were super, super that's what we are. Were (team name eg; the wombats) (your sport eg; cricket) we're number 1 not 2 or 3.
slide down a waterfall land on a catus we can do anything without any practise who can we can nobody else can gooo _________ !!!!!!!!!!!
turn on the radio
what do you hear
______x2 give us a cheer
we're gonna beat em' bust em'
that's our custom
go ____________