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Q: What are good long term dance goals?
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What are long term goals?

Long-term goals refer to goals that a person has for the course of their lives. For instance, getting married and having children are long-term goals.

What are the long term goals?

Long-term goals refer to goals that a person has for the course of their lives. For instance, getting married and having children are long-term goals.

What are the long term?

Long-term goals refer to goals that a person has for the course of their lives. For instance, getting married and having children are long-term goals.

What are the long term plans?

Long- Term plans are similar to Long- Term goals. Long- Term goals are goals that you plan to accomplish over a long period of time. So Long-Term plans are plans that you hava and want to do over a long time.

Why is it important important to have short-term goals as well as long -term goals?

Short-term goals help you reach your long-term goal on step at a time.

What are some computer engineer goals?

some long term goals or short term goals.

How would you determine when short term or long term goals should drive a decision?

With experience and maturity, we improve our abilities to predict longer-term results of our actions We need to avoid short-term injury that lasts long-term, most of our decisions should be tailored to the long-term. As humans we have been given the smarts to look into the future. We should realize the potential by making good decisions for the long-term. Short-term goals should always be there to contribute to the success of long-term goals. If you expect to actually accomplish your long term goals then your short term goals set to reach the long term goals should drive your everyday decisions. Short term goals are more realistic to envision and accomplish, but they should be structured with your long term goals in mind. When a decision is made that is in conflict with your goals due to some desire for immediate pleasure or satisfaction, it is likely that none or few of your goals will ever be realized. Goals ultimately provide a path to follow in life. Everyday short term goals such as a to-do list are valuable in getting things done. Short term goals that are steps toward long term goals provide to-do lists for the long term goals, they are stepping stones. When should goals drive a decision? That depends on how important the goals are in your life. If a long term goal is to purchase a home and you need a down payment and extra money for decorating and furniture there is a monetary goal as well as an educational goal. If your daily life gets in the way of saving money for that home your long term goal of a down payment is either pushed further out or nonexistent.

Explain the relationship between short-term goals and long-term goals?

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What are the short term and long term goals of a student?

Almost every school has to run 1 mile in P.E. A short term goal would be improving you mile time within 1 week. A long term goal would be something like getting into a good University when you're older.

Identify two of your long-term education goals?

select two long term educational or Carrier goals.

If a short term goal that will be achieved in years will be to the right of a long term goal that will be achieved in years?

False...(APEX) Generally long term goals take a long period of time, however, depending on what you goal is, and how things play themself out. then yes, a long term goal CAN be achieved in near future, but you have to be realistic in defining what is "long term" and "short term" are. only when you succeed in the short term goals you are able to get on to your long term goals.

Why is it important to have short term goal as well as long term goals?

Short-term goals help you reach your long-term goal on step at a time.