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Gymnastics, trampolining, figure skating

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Q: What are examples of sports that can use erector spine?
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What is the antagonist muscle in a sit up?

The antagonist muscle in a sit-up is the erector spinae muscles along the spine. These muscles work to extend the spine when you are flexing it during the sit-up exercise.

How do starfish use their spine?

a starfish does not have a spine.

What muscles do you use when you bend at the waist?

When you bend at the waist, you primarily use the muscles in your lower back (erector spinae muscles) and hamstrings. These muscles work together to support your spine and enable the bending movement. It is important to engage your core muscles as well to provide stability and protect your back.

Examples of a sports ladder where percentages aren't used?

Most of the European sports don't use percentages. Cricket, both codes of Rugby, Soccer etc etc There is only really the main American sports that use percentages at all.

What are macro invertibrates?

Macro invertebrates are organisms with no backbone or spine that can be seen without the use of microscope. The best examples are flatworms, crayfish, snails, clams and dragonflies.

What are sports that use static balance?

Gymnastics, Golf and Tai Chi are 3 examples!

What muscles help you stand up right?

Most of the major muscles are used. Gastrocnemius, Quadriceps, back muscles, lat dorsis, erector spine and neck muscles.

What do catfish use their spine for?


What do spotted scorpions fish use to protect them?

They use their spine.

What structure does a penguin use to move?


What characteristic can you use to separate all animals into two groups?

Whether or not an animal contains a spine or backbone distinguishes animalia into two different groups: Vertebrates (with spines--examples: canines, felines, humans) and invertebrates (without spines--examples: sponges, worms, mollusks).

What body part use in measuring?

the bones they use are the leg the thigh and the spine.