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Q: What Winter Olympic event has the US never medaled in?
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What Summer and winter Olympic sports that USA never medaled in?

Judo and Biathlon.

How many winter Olympic medals has Ghana won?

Ghana has never won a winter Olympic medal.

When and why did rings stop being an olympic gymnastic event?

Rings is currently an Olympic event, it never stopped being an event.

What Olympic events has the USA never won a medal competing in?

According to the olympic website, the US has 3 events it has never won a medal in----I know one of them is Handball, but do not know the other two. Through the 2006 Winter Games, the U.S. has never won a medal in biathlon and nordic combined. Through the 2008 Summer Games, the U.S. has never won a medal in handball, table tennis, rhythmic gymnastics, and badminton.

What winter olympic game will this be for Finland?

It will never be held in Finland.

Is there a summer and a winter olympic torch?

No, there is not a summer and a winter olympic torch. There is only one torch. At the first olympic games ever held, the torch was lit, and it will never go out, so it just gets passed on to all of the olympic games that are held.

Did Sweden ever hosted a winter olympic game?

No, Sweden has never hosted the Winter games.

Did the Bahamas ever host a winter or summer Olympic Games and if so what year did they host it?

The Bahamas has never hosted an Olympic games.

What country has been to the most winter olympic games and never won a medal?


Did Edmonton Alberta host the 2002 summer Olympic games?

Edmonton has never hosted an Olympic Games, either Summer or Winter. Salt Lake City hosted the Winter Olympics of 2002.

In what year was the winter olympic ever been held in North Korea yes or no?

The Winter Olympics have never been held in Korea.

How many Olympic medals from the Winter Games has Albania won?

Albania have never won a Winter Olympic medal as they have never entered the tournament before. However there is a competitor/s taking part in the 2006 Turin games, though in which sport I am not sure.