What does records mean?
In the phrase "performance record," the word "record" means log,
listing, history, or catalog. Therefore, a performance record is
the performance history a person, team, company, or organization
has. For instance, Frank Sinatra's performance record would include
a list of all of the places he sang, including, perhaps, the size
of the audience. It would also include all of the awards he
received (Grammies, for instance). Mario Andretti's performance
record would be a list of all of the car races he participated in,
what his driving times were, how many he won, what records he
broke. Tire manufacturers have performance records on different
grades of tires. There are performance records for all machinery
that is tested. A customer service group has a "performance record"
based on how many problems they solved (of the ones submitted to
them) and what their customer satisfaction rating is. An individual
employee has a "performance record" that is based on how well the
person did his/her job. So, you see, "performance record" depends a
lot on what or who you are looking at.