If the earth was the size of a ping pong ball how big would the sun be?
According to the 2009 edition of the Handbook of the International Table Tennis Federation,the official diameter of the ping pong ball is 40 mm.(I can't just whip out the answer off the top of my head ... I have to do the research first.)If you shrunk everything down until the earth was the size of a ping pong ball, then-- The diameter of the sun is 4.359 meters(14.3 ft)-- The diameter of the moon is 10.9 millimeters (0.43 inch)-- The distance between the earth and sun is 469 meters (512 yards, 0.29 mile)-- The distance between the earth and moon is 1.205 meters (3.95 feet)-- The average distance between Pluto and the sun is 18.5 km (11.5 miles)-- The distance from us to the nearest star is 29,667 km (18,434 miles)