Some shots were real some shots were fake. Mayweather body punches and chairshots to the head were real but the brass knuckled punch that knocked the Big show out was fake. oh and The slap to the chest was definitely real.
Let's hope and pray (if you believe in God) that this fight happens real soon. But to answer your question, Manny is probably the technical better all rounder but Floyd has the greater foot and hand speed.
Yes, it is real if you watched the Marquez, Mayweather fight you can see it says Mayweather Promotions in the red corner.
We will never find out because Mayweather is and always has been the most protected fighter throughout his career. You can catch it live in High Definition on the net. (see related link below) We will also have it ON DEMAND after the fight! Also they have way different fighting styles. This answer is controvertial because you are relying on oppinion. Even the site recommendation is oppinion. And the reference Styles isn't answering this question. I have read boxing deeply for years and what I know is that Floyd Mayweather is a respected, "real article", if you will. As of this entry (01-22-10) Floyd Mayweather will be considered the Superior boxer because he has maintained the edge on his record, and Cotto has not.
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One can watch a football match between Real Madrid and Sevilla in person at a sports arena or on television at a sports bar. One can also watch a Real Madrid and Sevilla match through a live internet stream on sites such as Ronaldo and ESPN.
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Each match played between Barcelona and Real Madrid , is called the El Classsico or The Classic.
Im not sure but the way brock was beating the crap out of cena, i think that match was real. I dunno.