YES! John "Johnny" Constantine Unitas (1933-2002) did have an uncredited role playing a football player for the 325th Evacuation Unit. This is one of his 3 movie credits, and he did commentary for NFL games on CBS in the 1970s. He was "The Golden Arm" of the Baltimore Colts.
Johnny Unitas went by Johnny U.
Johnny Unitas's birth name is Unitas, John Constantine.
Johnny Unitas was born in Pittsburg,Pennsylvania. Johnny Unitas died in Lutherville-Timonium,Maryland.
Johnny Unitas was born on May 7, 1933.
Johnny Unitas was born on May 7, 1933 and died on September 11, 2002. Johnny Unitas would have been 69 years old at the time of death or 82 years old today.
Johnny Unitas died on September 11, 2002 at the age of 69.
Johnny Unitas's date of birth is may 7,1933 in pittsburg (1933-2002)
Johnny Unitas was billed at 6 feet 1 inch (1.85 metres) tall.
Johnny Unitas Golden Arm Award was created in 1987.
Johnny Unitas, but Earl Morrall was the starter because Unitas was injured.
Johnny Unitas
Johnny Unitas attended college at the University of Louisville. Johnny played professional football for the Baltimore Colts and the Pittsburgh Steelers.