Some examples of bad sportsmanship are cursing, throwing items, spiting on your hand when you go to shake the other teams hand, saying degrading comments and using obscene gestures.
Hogging the ball (apex)
not fighting
committing to fair play
come on go faster bub!
no no
All of the above. * Apex :) -bc3021
some incidents have happened in past but overall the sportsmanship is well maintained in IPL
To have great sportsmanship. If they have bad behavior they're off the team.
I think that some examples that are of bad credit cash advances has to be the ones that you find on the internet. It really is bad over there, and you have to watch yourself.
leaving it on
"You had very good sportsmanship"" My coach says sportsmanship is an important part of the game."
steven Gerrard
Sportsmanship is how a person behaves while playing a sport. Playing by the rules and not being a sore looser is good sportsmanship.