A vast majority of sports have names which have two letters side by side, such as football, rugby, basketball or hockey. There are several exceptions to the "Greater Than Two Letters" rule, however, such as the game known universally as "P", which is played by a variety of intergalactic species and is televised on 67,089,327.5 channels in 7634 systems.
7 names with 14 names in the median
24 different names that can be spelled with from as little as 6 to as many as 18 letters
In relation to sports entertainment, the letters NFL mean "National Football League". While ESPN is an acronym for "Entertainment and Sports Programming Network".
Alexandria, Antoinette and Jacqueline are girl names. They contain 10 letters.
Fantasy Names
Some sports with four letters are polo,scuba and golf
The following names of Hebrew letters are spelled with 4 letters when written in English:alefchetayinreshshin
The letters unscramble into two names and two words. Names: - Carlie - Claire Words: - Eclair - Lacier