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Q: Most extra innings in Texas Ranger game?
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What is the record for most hits in a game?

Most hits in a game with 9 innings is 7 by Wilbert Robinson(1892) and Rennie Stennett(1975). Most hits in a game with extra innings is 9 by Johnny Burnett(1932) and he did it in 18 innings.

How many innings are in a Georgia High school baseball game?

In Texas, High School baseball games are 7 innings long, and I believe that is the same around the country. If the game is tied at the end of the 7th inning, it continues until there is a winner.

Is there only 99 Texas Rangers or was that just something that Walker Texas Ranger had?

The most recent numbers found published are from 2009. As of 2009, there were 144 commissioned members of the Texas Ranger force. The Rangers are a division of the Texas Department of Public Safety.

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Who made the Wards Texas Ranger model 20?

J Stevens most likely

Who holds the Strikeout record for the Los Angeles Angels?

For the Los Angeles Angels single game records, the pitcher with the most strikeouts in one game of nine innings is Nolan Ryan with 19. The pitcher with the most strikeouts in a game with extra innings is also Nolan Ryan with 19. The pitcher with the most strikeouts in one inning is Chuck Finley with 4. The record for most strikeouts in a game by the team is 18. The player with the most strikeouts in one game while batting is Dallas McPherson with 4. The most strikeouts by a batter in a game with extra innings is Billy Cowan with 6.

Most innings pitch in MLB baseball season?

There are three answers to this. First, the Official Game, or Regulation Game. If a game must be called, it is Official after five innings. Next, the Complete Game. This is nine innings. And finally, the Extra Innings Game. The only way a Major League Baseball game can end in a tie is if it's called. The rules state that the game must continue until either someone wins or the umpires call the game, usually on account of darkness. In the 2014 season there were two 19-inning games and a handful of 18-inning games; the longest game was 26 innings. The most important rule in extra innings: if a team can't field nine players, it forfeits.

What team holds the record for most consecutive innings without a hit?

549873938737 innings

How many innings in a high school baseball game?

7 innings for most high schools

Who is the only player to hit a home run in each of the innings he has played in a career up to the sixteenth inning?

Willie Mays - one of the GREAT SF Giants sluggers - is the only player in MLB history to hit a home run in every inning up the the 16th inning. He also holds the record for most extra innings (innings after the 9th) with 22.

What is the value of a Winchester Texas Ranger Presentation of which 150 were manufactured?

The value of a Winchester Texas Ranger Presentation would be dependent upon a couple different factors. When dealing with limited edition pieces, the most important factor is usually the condition.

In a test wicket match what is the most innings a side can have?

In a test match a bteam can have only two innings.