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yes women can do anything like men but men are pathetically stronger

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Q: Is there any sports men cant that women can?
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Has the University of Dayton won any National Championship in any sport men's or women's?

The Dayton Flyers have not won a National Championship in any men's or women's sports.

Are male sports or women sports viewed more?


How many NCAA sports?

There are 19 sports in men's and women's

Who has gone pro in the most sports?

Out of men and women, men have gone pro in the most sports.

What sports were women not allowed to play in past history?

There are no sports in which women are not allowed to play. However, there must be a minimum amount of participating women for there to be an actual sports association for women (as there are men), but there are no sports in which women are not allowed to play. Something strange at my school is that girls can play football but boys can't play volleyball.

What is the name of sports men and women?


Are there any sports which men are not allowed to play?

Technically there are no sports that only men can play. Women (in most countries) can play any sport. There is a difference from being allowed to play verses being able to play. Also some sports most women prefer not to play. Even though they can they may not want too. So basically there aren't really any sports that are mostly for men. There is no reason women cannot play most sports, as long as they compete only against other females. There has been much talk about women athletes competing against males. This is not good, as some sports requiring violent collisions, like in NFL football, and this would be dangerous for women, as they are smaller by one third than the average man.

What sports are in Stanford college?

For Varsity sports: Baseball, Men's and Women's Baseball, Cross Country, Fencing, Field Hockey, Football, Men's and Women's golf, Men's and Women's Gymnastics, Women's Lacrosse, Men's and Women's Rowing, Women's Lightweight Rowing, Sailing, Men's and Women's Soccer, Softball, Squash, Men's and Women's Swimming & Diving, Synchronized Swimming, Men's and Women's Tennis, Track &Field, Men's and Women's Volleyball, Men's and Women's Water Polo and Wrestling

Why are women not good on sports?

Women are good on sports. The point is that men have 10 times more testosterone than hers. So, sports practiced by women must be completely separated than those practiced by men.

Is extreme sports dangerous for women?

No because, women are as strong as men.

Mixed teams of men and women in sports should be encoureged?

no, women should stay home and take care of the men who have actual talent and play sports

Which gender is better at sports?

One opinion: Men are better than women at some sports and women are better than men at some sports! Another opinion: If you take the best men in the world at sports and the best women at sports, men are better. Look at the Olympics. The highscore for men is always higher. Another opinion: Females are faster at running and more flexible than most of the male population.