The a5 is a better starter gun because for the price, you get a better gun and in truth, the 98 is a little out-dated these days. The a-5 does use up a lot of co2 due to the cyclone feed system.
The question is not which is better, but rather what your preferance is. The etrigger will allow you to adjust your rate of fir (ie. semi-auto, full auto, and 3 round burst). Where as the response trigger uses air to push the trigger forward after it has been pulled back. Therefore, in essence if you find the "sweet spot" you will have the trigger bounce of your finger and give you simulated full auto. The drawback is no control over the rate of fire. The advantage is that it has no electronics or batteries. So, again its your personal prefferance.
If it has a factory installed ACT system there will be a shiny blue or black button like piece on the handle, if it was modded with after market parts you will need to open it and check for parts. If it's an older model it most likely not have ACT unless it was modded, if it's newer it probably has act.
Its better than the later act.
To act snobbish - to seem as if you think that you are better than anyone else. To act better than one really is; to pretend to be good or to be superior.
It is better to act wisely because you are your child's role model.
butterfiles at good and better than moths
because they are.
because they re-act better to electricity
You can act snobby by rolling your eyes or scoffing at people. Mainly just act like you're better than every one, that should do it
Selena is WAY better than mileyYES BECAUSE SHE CAN ACT,SING AND IS JUST WAY MUCH HOTTERDunno?? It depends on who you like the most and how they act and what your heart tells you.
The rough surface is better than the smooth surface for the frictional force to act.