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Sex is an age old sport when in the perspective of the amount of physical activity required to perform and complete the task. But your opinion may lie in either the act or the facts.

You may have heard the term Cardio-exercise from your doctor, an advertisement for home gym equipment, or even in Readers Digest. Cardio is defined as any exercise that brings the heart rate up for longer periods of time and makes it work around 75% above it's normal threshold of activity.

During copulation the movement increases your heart rate and it keeps it going at higher speeds for duration of your sexual experience, except at one stage. When males and females reach coitus (orgasm) the heart rate slows and the body fully relaxes for a period of time to allow for the ejaculation of bodily fluids from both partners.

Now the amount of "exercise" you get from the act is dependent on many variables. Here is a small list of just some of the variables including why we would need to factor them.

  • Time it takes a male to achieve orgasm (the faster it goes the less you burn, the slower you go, the more you'll burn over a longer period of time)
  • Time it takes a female to achieve orgasm (same as male above)
  • If or If not an orgasm occurred (Did something interrupt the act or did both parties mutually stop?)
  • The speed at which love making is occurring (the faster you go the faster your heart goes as well, also prompts problem with time to achieve orgasm)
  • The area of the object the act is occurring on (more space, move free movement, less space, less free movement)
  • The status of the individuals hearts. (If less is working the more dangerous and less output of blood, If completely healthy is in perfect working order and will have more output of blood)
  • Drugs (Opiates, Barbiturates, Psychoactive, etc will all change the outcomes)

A normal person may achieve a good work out if all the variables fall into the correct places but the average person would fall slightly above or below these variables. So determining the average amount of calories lost in copulation would be inaccurate and never constant.

So based on this, one could say that sex is a sport because it does raise your heart beat for an extended amount of time; while the other says all the variables could put it at risk. The decision is yours.

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12y ago
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14y ago

No it's never been considered a sport. If nothing else, it's too easy to cheat.

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14y ago

it has been proven to be VERY good physical has been proven by many scientist that it is.

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