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It is a push and a pull. When you move your body towards the ground, it is a pull. A pull as in a pull to the ground. It is a push when you are moving away from the ground.

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Q: Is push up a push or pull?
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Is lifting a book a push or a pull?

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How is that force either a push or pull?

It is a 'pull' when you are falling, the gravity 'pulls' you down. But the Air resistance will 'push' you back up, making a force either a push or a pull

How is force either a push or a pull?

It is a 'pull' when you are falling, the gravity 'pulls' you down. But the Air resistance will 'push' you back up, making a force either a push or a pull

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We use a pull.

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How do you fix a push pull tool on Google sketch up?

Push/pull only works on faces; it does not work in wireframe rendering mode.

Is force a push or a pull?

Force can be either a push or a pull. When you push a door open or pull a rope, you are applying a force in that direction.

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