

Best Answer

Male humans are exactly the same size as female elfants on tuesdays of next wekk if the men in the human race lose a total of 4567892546387.976573 million ilbs by then

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Q: Is pepol the size of an elafant?
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How do you say a elafant in french?

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About 38,000,000.

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Why is the PSP important?

its cool and awsome some pepol cant live with out it [ it is the best for pepol under 25 but i know pepol older still play ing it can play it in any age actually you can take it any whare you whant and you can buy lots of ecsesorys

Is a elafant a mammal?

Yes, the elephant is the biggest land mammal.

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MuLtipol pepol

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Is elafant raceing a sport?

no i don't think so because elafants are so heavy they cant really run :]

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