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Well, this is on a matter of opinion and experience. For instance, at the Oxford Ice Rink. If you're taking both group lessons and private lessons, it is quite expensive. With a private lesson each week at £15 and a group lesson each week at £5. In a year, for Ice Skating, you'll end up spending (avg) £1,040. Some may find this is expensive, some may not.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

I am 12 and skate competitively!

My lessons cost - $105 an hour

My costumes for competition/show case - $200

Ice Time - $15 per hour

Skates - $150... but i have custom skates... $1,500 (including pattern 99 blades)

There is much more including practice wear, strength and conditioning, cost of competition, etc. but these are just basics!

I am competitive so i have 5 lessons a week - $525, Compete 4 times a year (but reuse the costume until i grow out of it) - $400, Skate 2 hours 5 days a week - $150, And get new skates until i grow out (maybe once every 2 years) - $150

So as you can see figure skating is a very expensive sport if you want to be competitive but its worth it! Because once you step on the ice you feel free

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βˆ™ 14y ago

It can be Very expensive if you choose to go compeitive. If you just want to go for fun on a weekend it will be about $3 for skate rental and $3-10 for a public session. If you choose to compete you will need to buy skates that could cost about $100 then group lessons about $100 every 6 weeks then extra ice time about $10 a session then private coaching. And outfits for practice are about $60 and tights about $20. It is one of the most expensive sports b/c after you pass the bridge programs it is all private lessons or special group lessons it is a ver very very big commitment!

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βˆ™ 9y ago

Depends on where it is and how much they charge.
it depends on the person you work with or the company i guess

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βˆ™ 14y ago

recreational (yearly) $100 to $1000 depending on what you do

competition (yearly) $2000-$15000 depending on what you do

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βˆ™ 15y ago

It cost alot because they teach you everything spins and jumps.I want to sign up and it cost 135 dollars.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Well, it depends on where you're going. It'll cost around 5 to 10 dollars.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

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Ice skating boots or a ply skating board

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Skating on Thin Ice was created in 2005.

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