Roger Bannister was the first person to run a mile race in less than four minutes. Click on the Roger Bannister link on this page to read about his life and all of the things he accomplished.There were 2 TV films about Roger Bannister:* The Four Minute Mile (1988, with actor Richard Huw as Bannister) * Four Minutes (2005, with Jamie Machlachlan as Bannister) The film Chariots of Fire was about running, but not about Roger Bannister.
Sir Roger Bannister was born on March 23, 1929.
Roger Bannister running track was created in 1876.
Sir Roger Bannister was born on March 23, 1929.
roger bannister has a sporting record for running a mile in under 4 minutes
He is white.
He was British
Roger Whittaker, a Kenyan/British musician is still alive.
As of today 08/17/09 Roger Bannister is very much alive and aided London's bid to host the 2012 Olympic Games. Most recently he was the "starter" for the Teddy Hill relays earlier this year (see link below) Roger Bannister of Britain , the first man to run the mile in less then four minutes, is very much dead.
Roger Bannister ran the 1st 4 minute mile