No, Lee Elder is very much alive (as of February 18, 2009) and spends much of his time working with underprivileged youth.
Lee Elder's birth name is Robert Lee Elder.
No, Lee Elder is very much alive (as of February 18, 2009) and spends much of his time working with underprivileged youth.
Lee Elder is 5' 8".
Brian Lee Elder is 6' 1".
Lee Elder was born on July 14, 1934 in Dallas Texas . . .
Clarence Elder is not dead. He has his own research firm named, Elder Systems Incorporated located in Baltimore, Maryland.
Shannon Lee, tha daughter of Bruce Lee, is not dead. It is Bruce and Brandon Lee who are dead. She is still living in Seattle,Washington with her husband and daughter.
For being the first bllack male in 1978
Lee Hsien Loong (elder son, prime minister of singapore), Lee Wei Ling( daughter) and Lee Hsien Yang ( younger son)
Is gospel singer Lee Williams with the Spiritual Q C dead
That was Lee Elder in 1975. He shot 74 and 78 in the opening rounds and missed the cut.
Bruce Lee is dead.