Kurt was actually dominantly left handed but was also ambidextrous; he would usually write left handed and later learned how to write right handed. I even saw a quote by him saying " I'm left handed."
Kurt warner was born on June 22, 1971
Kurt Warner is currently on the Arizona Cardinals.
Kurt Warner is 6' 2" tall.
Kurt Warner is 6' 2" tall.
Kurt Warner was born on June 22, 1971.
Kurt warner was born on June 22, 1971
Kurt Warner was born on June 22, 1971.
Kurt Warner weighs 220 lbs.
Technically, he did play right-handed guitars, but not in the conventional right-handed way. He would, as Jimi Hendrix did and I myself must do sometimes, re-strung the guitars to have the strings in left-handed order, effectively playing the guitar upside-down. This was before he got any real money to buy a good left-handed guitar, as they are often substantially more expensive than their right-handed counterparts, even if the same model.
Kurt warner Kurt warner
Kurt Warner has written: 'All Things Possible'