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yes he is half nigerian half irish

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Q: Is Anthony Joshua mixed race
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When was Anthony Joshua born?

Anthony Joshua was born on October 15, 1989

When is Anthony Joshua's birthday?

Anthony Joshua was born on October 15, 1989

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Joshua Latona's birth name is Joshua Anthony Latona.

What is the race of a person with mixed race?

Mixed race.

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Anthony Shaffer's birth name is Anthony Joshua Shaffer.

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David Joshua Anthony Doyle has written: 'Mass transit and you' -- subject(s): Sculpture

Are mixed race people more intelligent then no mixed race people?

yes they are Im mixed race and my IQ is 180

What school did Anthony Joshua go to to?

holy lee school

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it was anthony beake.

What is zendaya mixed with?

Yes, African and Dutch.

Is Fazer from N-Dubz mixed race?

Fazer is half Jamaican and he is mixed race